Download the witcher remake
Download the witcher remake

At the top of the screen there are buttons to upload and download decks to play with. You can also pick a leader card by selecting the current leader and scrolling through the options for that faction. You can select a faction to play as at the top of the screen and then add and remove cards from your deck by clicking on the cards in either scroll-down menu. The opponent uses premade decks and will make intelligent decisions based on the cards in its hand, on the table, and in the discard piles. When you start a game you will face off againsts a fully implemented AI oponent. The deck customization screen also includes buttons to upload and download decks. Some changes have been made in the form of buttons to toggle the music and pass your current turn. This remake aims to resemble the orignal minigame as closely as possible from the font to the UI layout and notifications. The total count of cards available corresponds to the number you can find in the original game. This includes the additions from Hearts of Stone and Skellige as a playable deck from Blood and Wine. Features All cards from the TW3 + DLCĪll cards from the base games and DLC can be used by you and the AI. Each faction also has a special effect that is displayed when selecting a faction and at the top of the customization screen for the currently selected faction. This includes the leader card that you can pick and the corresponding leader ability.

download the witcher remake

It limits the specific cards you can use to neutral cards, special cards, and the unit cards in your faction. The faction you pick will affect your game in three ways. In addition of placing cards, they player may also activate their leader ability by clicking on their leader if it is available to them. When both players have passed the round is ended. At this point the remaining player can continue to place cards until they decide to pass.

download the witcher remake

Your opponent then does the same until either one of you passes. TurnsĪ turn consists of playing a single card. The game also includes a nubmer of special cards that apply effects like negative weather conditions or bosting card points when played. The cards and their effects can be examined by selecting them or the row they have been palced on. Some unit cards have special effects as denoted by a symbol on their left side. Points are obtained by placing down unit cards, each with their corresponding values. The player aims to win two of three rounds, where victory within a given round is determined by whoever scores the most points. The game is played in the same way as the original.

download the witcher remake

For the best experience, play in fullscreen which can be toggled in most browsers with F11. To play, download the repo and open index.html in a browser.

download the witcher remake

A browser remake of the original Gwent minigame from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt including all cards from the DLC.

Download the witcher remake